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6 Facts About Clownfish

 1. Clownfish, also known as Nemo fish, can find their home within anemones. These anemones can be green, blue, red or purple and provide a safe shelter for the fish. 


2. Clownfish are able to change their gender. Young Clownfish are polyfunctional, where each of them can become male or female later in life, depending on which change is more beneficial in their community. 

3. Clownfish do not aggressively compete for food. Instead, they play to strength, where one fish grows bigger and stronger while they fight, and the other becomes a follower that the dominant fish protects. 


4. Clownfish of other species do not always get along. In fact, brief encounters with another species often result in aggressive behavior on the part of at least one of the clownfish. 

 5. Male clownfish are known for their "dances", which consist of rapid flapping of their fins to attract female attention. After mating, the female lays eggs in the anemone, and the male guards the eggs until they hatch. 

6. Clownfish are often depicted in popular culture, especially after the film "Finding Nemo". Their adorable and colorful appearance has captivated people worldwide and produced a range of souvenirs and toys. Clownfish are one of the most interesting and endearing fish in the world. Their dependence on anemones, polyfunctionality, and social system provide an exciting insight into the world of fish, and their cuteness and vibrant colors make them a favorite fish for many.